bbpd is a http proxy server for Amazon's DynamoDB service.bbpd uses GoDynamo package for the Amazon DynamoDB database. It made by smugmug.
It supports JSON documents and can post/get data through from HTTP POST method. Oh, that is pretty nice.
So let's try to make DynamoDB HTTP Proxy.
Environment: EC2 AMI ID: Amazon Linux AMI 2015.09 (HVM), SSD Volume Type - ami-9a2fb89a
Install Go
$ sudo yum -y install golang zsh $ go version go version go1.4.2 linux/amd64 $ mkdir ~/gocode $ echo 'export GOPATH=$HOME/gocode' >> ~/.bashrc $ source $HOME/.bashrc
Install bbpd
$ go get $ sudo cp $GOPATH/bin/bbpd /usr/bin/ $ sudo cp $GOPATH/src/ /usr/bin/ $ sudo cp $GOPATH/src/ /usr/bin/ $ sudo chmod 755 /usr/bin/bbpd_ctl $ sudo chmod 755 /usr/bin/bbpd_daemonSet config file.
$ cp $GOPATH/src/ ~/.aws-config.json $ emacs ~/.aws-config.json { "extends":[], "services": { "default_settings":{ "params":{ "access_key_id":"myAccessKey", "secret_access_key":"mySecret", "use_sys_log":true } }, "dynamo_db": { "host":"", "zone":"us-east-1", "scheme":"http", "port":80, "keepalive":false, "iam": { "use_iam":false, "role_provider":"", "access_key":"", "secret_key":"", "token":"", "base_dir":"", "watch":false } } } }Start.
$ bbpd_ctl start **** starting bbpd as daemon bbpd - started 2015/10/23 02:22:17 global conf.Vals initialized 2015/10/23 02:22:17 not using iam, assume credentials hardcoded in conf file 2015/10/23 02:22:17 starting bbpd... 2015/10/23 02:22:17 induce panic with ctrl-c (kill -2 2801) or graceful termination with kill -[1,3,15] 2801 2015/10/23 02:22:17 trying to bind to port:12333 2015/10/23 02:22:17 init routing on port 12333 2015/10/23 02:22:17 global conf.Vals initialized 2015/10/23 02:22:17 not using iam, assume credentials hardcoded in conf file 2015/10/23 02:22:17 starting bbpd... 2015/10/23 02:22:17 induce panic with ctrl-c (kill -2 2804) or graceful termination with kill -[1,3,15] 2804 2015/10/23 02:22:17 trying to bind to port:12333 2015/10/23 02:22:17 port 12333 already in use 2015/10/23 02:22:17 trying to bind to port:12334 2015/10/23 02:22:17 init routing on port 12334Check processes.
$ pgrep -l bbpd 24330 bbpd 24333 bbpdGet status.
$ curl -H "X-Bbpd-Indent: true" "http://localhost:12333/Status" { "Status": "ready", "AvailableHandlers": [ "/DescribeTable/", "/DeleteItem", "/ListTables", "/CreateTable", "/UpdateTable", "/StatusTable/", "/PutItem", "/PutItemJSON", "/GetItem", "/GetItemJSON", "/BatchGetItem", "/BatchGetItemJSON", "/BatchWriteItem", "/BatchWriteItemJSON", "/UpdateItem", "/Query", "/Scan", "/RawPost/", "/" ], "Args": { "X-Bbpd-Indent": "set '-H \"X-Bbpd-Indent: True\" ' to indent the top-level json", "X-Bbpd-Verbose": "set '-H \"X-Bbpd-Verbose: True\" ' to get verbose output" }, "Summary": { "StartTime": "2015-10-23 08:12:18.875147234 +0000 UTC", "RunningTime": "11.531750029s", "LongestResponse": "0.00ms", "AverageResponse": "0.00ms", "LastResponse": "no requests made yet", "ResponseCount": "0" } }Now, bbpd is ready.
Run curl
Sample scripts are here.
Create table
$ curl -H "X-Amz-Target: DynamoDB_20120810.CreateTable" -X POST -d ' { "AttributeDefinitions": [ { "AttributeName": "user_id", "AttributeType": "S" } ], "KeySchema": [ { "AttributeName": "user_id", "KeyType": "HASH" } ], "ProvisionedThroughput": { "ReadCapacityUnits": 100, "WriteCapacityUnits": 100 }, "TableName": "bbpd-test" } ' http://localhost:12333/Put
curl -H "X-Amz-Target: DynamoDB_20120810.PutItem" -X POST -d ' { "Item": { "num": 1, "numlist": [ 6, 7, 1, 2, 3, 9, -7234234234.234234 ], "stringlist": [ "pk1_a", "pk1_b", "pk1_c" ], "user_id": "my_user_id1" }, "TableName": "bbpd-test" } ' http://localhost:12333/PutItemJSONGet
$ curl -H "X-Amz-Target: DynamoDB_20120810.GetItem" -X POST -d ' { "Key": { "user_id": { "S": "my_user_id1" } }, "TableName": "bbpd-test" } ' "http://localhost:12333/GetItemJSON" {"Item":{"num":1,"numlist":[-7.234234234234234e+09,3,9,7,2,1],"stringlist":["pk1_c","pk1_a","pk1_b"],"user_id":"my_user_id1"}}Looks fine!
Check table by SQL using ddbcli
$ gem install ddbcli --no-ri --no-rdoc Fetching: ddbcli-0.5.3.gem (100%)
$ ddbcli -k ACCESS_KEY -s SECRET_KEY -r REGION_OR_ENDPOINT ap-northeast-1> select all * from bbpd-test; [ {"num":1,"numlist":[6,3,9,7,2,1,-7234234234.234234],"stringlist":["pk1_a","pk1_b","pk1_c"],"user_id":"my_user_id1"} ] // 1 row in set (0.02 sec)That's correct.
DynamoDB Provisioned Read Capacity Units: 10000 Provisioned Write Capacity Units: 10000 EC2 Instance type: c4.large, c4.xlarge, c4.2xlarge
# emacs postdata.file { "Key": { "user_id": { "S": "my_user_id1" } }, "TableName": "bbpd-test" }
# ab -n 100000 -c 100 -p postdata.file -T "application/json" http://localhost:12333/GetItemJSON c4.large Requests per second: 4754.25 [#/sec] (mean) c4.xlarge Requests per second: 8591.35 [#/sec] (mean) c4.2xlarge Requests per second: 8540.63 [#/sec] (mean) Many RETRY occurs with godynamo authreq.retryReq.
Set log dir.
$ sudo emacs /usr/bin/bbpd_ctl LOG=/path/to/log/bbpd.log start) echo -n "**** starting bbpd as daemon\n" $INSTALL_PATH/$DAEMON >> $LOG 2>&1 || true $INSTALL_PATH/$DAEMON >> $LOG 2>&1 || true echo "bbpd - started\n" ;;
Amazon DynamoDB logo / Amazon Web Services LLC -
gopher-side_color.{ai,svg,png} was created by Takuya Ueda ( Licensed under the Creative Commons 3.0 Attributions license. -
The Go gopher was designed by Renee French. (